Should I pressure wash my deck?

July 30, 2020
Pressure Washing | By Jason Rowe

If you’re asking the question, Should I pressure wash my deck, then this guide will show you everything you need to know…

Do you know what this is?

When you shouldn't have pressure cleaned your deck
Damaged from pressure washing

This is what happens when you pressure wash your deck when you really shouldn’t have…

Sometimes you’ll get away with a scrub and a rinse off with the garden hose. 

No pressure will be needed…

So when should you pressure wash your deck and when shouldn’t you? 

To help answer this question properly I’m going to take the common questions I get asked about pressure cleaning and answer them one by one…

Without further ado…

Should I pressure wash my deck before staining?

This all depends on the current condition of the coating on your deck. If you have a deck that has never been coated but is grey then yes, you’ll need to scrub and pressure wash your deck before you stain it…

If you have sanded your deck and you scrub it down with a brightener, all you’ll need is a garden hose to rinse it off, no pressure cleaner necessary…

If your deck is in good condition but you’re just giving it a maintenance coat then you could use a pressure washer but a scrub and a hose off will be enough…

I could go through and look at every different scenario that you would or wouldn’t need to pressure wash your deck but there is an easier way to work it out…

Any time your deck is grey or you use a chemical stripper to remove the coating then, Yes, you’ll need to pressure clean your deck…

Any time you have a surface that will need to be sanded off, No, you won’t need to pressure wash your deck before staining… 

If your coating is in good condition, a pressure cleaner won’t get the coating off. You’ll need to strip it or sand it off.

How long to wait to stain a deck after pressure washing?

As unique as we all are, when it comes down to it, we are mostly all the same…

The reason I say this is because the question above is worded really poorly…

I had to read it 3 times and slow it down to make sense of it…

But, this is the exact question that 30 people, each and every month, type into Google…

So I feel compelled to answer it for the good of the people…

Generally you will need to wait 24 hours after pressure washing before you stain your deck.

But it really does depend…

If it’s the middle of Summer and you pressure wash your deck first thing in the morning, then your deck will probably be dry a few hours after you pressure wash it…

On the other hand, if you pressure wash your deck in the middle of winter, then it’ll take at least a day for it to dry properly.

So, how long do you need to wait to stain a deck after pressure washing?

Well, as long as it’s dry, you’re good to go. You don’t need to wait any specific time frame…

Next up…

Do I have to seal my deck after pressure washing?

I’m not sure how to answer this question…

Is your deck coated or el naturale?

Are you after the grey look or do you want it coated?

If your deck is coated and in good condition but it’s been around 12 months since it’s last coat, then yes…

Seal that sucker after you pressure wash it…

On the other hand, if you’re just doing a maintenance clean then you won’t need to reseal your deck…

I’ve noticed a lot of deck owners wanting to go for that natural grey look. If this is you then you won’t need to seal your deck.

It will be exposed to the elements and will become damaged in time. But, the maintenance is pretty much zero and if you have a good quality hardwood, then you could go over 10 years without needing to replace any boards.

The other option is to use a clear deck oil that seals your deck and lets it grey off…

You get protection from the rain but not the sun.

The UV from the sun will eventually turn your deck grey but you’ll have to give it a clear coat every rear.

If you have a soft wood like treated pine, then I would always recommend sealing after your pressure wash.

How often should you power wash your deck?

This is an easy one…

If your deck is dirty, then give him a clean.

But, if you keep a clean deck, I would recommend you power wash at least every 6 months…

That’s 6 months after a coat, then a power wash and re-coat at 12 months.

The reason is, any dirt or build up on the surface of your deck can and will work away at your coating…

Power washing your deck and removing damaging debris will help the coating last longer…

So, power wash your deck at least every 6 months…

Should you pressure wash your deck yourself or call in the professionals?

Well, as you know, I’m a professional deck restorer so I might be a little biased…


Na, I’m not…

This isn’t rocket science…

There’s some skills and techniques you should know before you try pressure washing your deck yourself, but I have full faith that if you want to do it yourself, you can…

You just need to be careful that you don’t blow holes into your deck or etch ugly swirl marks that will need to be sanded out…

Realise there are certain pressures that you don’t want to go over if you don’t want to permanently damage your deck…

And there is also a minimum pressure you need to use if you want to remove mold, greying or even old coatings…

Go too low on pressure and you’ll spend 2 hours on your deck and achieve nothing…

There’s different pressure washing heads that will do different jobs and it’s important to know these things.

So, if you do want to do it yourself but you’re worried that you might completely mess up your deck…

I can help you out…

Here’s what you need to do…

Send me an email to this address [email protected] and let me know that you want some more tips on pressure washing your deck.

You don’t need to be all friendly if you don’t want to. 

You can simply send through “pressure washing tips” and I’ll get the point…

Or maybe you think I didn’t answer your question all that well and you need more…

Send that through as well…

Here’s the thing…

I only create content that people want to read and need answers to.

If I don’t get many emails coming through then I’ll assume that you don’t need my help with this one and I’ll leave it alone…

So if you do want help with pressure washing your deck, don’t be scared to send me an email…


Jason… The Pressure Washing Sifu

P.S. Hey, don’t forget I got a bunch of other deck restoration tips here on my blog. Feel free to get your “learn on” and become a master at this deck restoration bidness…

You might want to check out Is it better to paint or stain a deck 

Or… My “7 Rules of Deck Restoration”

Need some Expert Advice?

I’ve got 10 years of deck knowledge crammed into my noggin. I can pretty much guarantee I’ve got an answer to your problem just rattling around in there…


How often should you power wash your deck?

I would recommend you power wash at least every 6 months. That’s 6 months after a coat, then a power wash and re-coat at 12 months.

How long to wait to stain a deck after pressure washing?

It’s a good idea to wait at least 24 hours after you pressure wash a deck before staining it. In the summer months you could get away with only 4 hours but in Winter you’ll need the 24 hours.

How often should you reseal your deck?

You should look at resealing your deck at least once every 12 months. It can vary depending on what conditions your deck is exposed to. If you give your deck 2 coats in harsh conditions, you might need to reseal at 6 months. 3 coats will give you at least 12 months, maybe longer…

Can I just replace deck boards?

If you have some boards that are cupping or are damaged and rotten then you can simply replace them. Make sure you let them weather and grey off for at least 3 months before you clean them and give them a coat. Once you exposed them to the weather, they blend in better with your existing boards.

Should I pressure wash my deck?
Article Name
Should I pressure wash my deck?
Find out if you should pressure wash your deck or if it's a bad idea.
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The Deck Restoration Co.
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