Want me to show you how to stain your deck for a flawless coating that won’t peel?

If you’re going to be staining your deck and you want to make sure your deck not only looks fantastic but isn’t going to peel in 6 months, then this guide will take you by the hand and show you how to do it, step by step…

Here’s what you need to know…

See this deck here…

Can you see those stop start lines?

Yep, everyone can…

This is such a common mistake with DIY deck staining…

The problem here is that this homeowner went really thick with the stain when he cut in, then let it “semi dry” on the surface before he continued to stain the rest of the boards…

He treated his deck like he was painting a wall…

People think that if you can paint a wall then you can stain your deck…

The problem is, you’re staining your deck, not painting it…

Stain is completely different from paint…

As you can see from the photo above, stains are a lot less forgiving…

You can’t just go and slap on some thick layers of stain and call it a day…

In fact, applying too much stain to your deck is the Number 1 cause of a peeling deck…

Most people believe that if you apply a lot of stain to your deck, then it will give it more protection…

Makes sense right?

Here’s the thing, that way of thinking is completely wrong…

Deck stain is designed to absorb into your decking boards, not merely sit on the surface…

But the problem is that your deck isn’t like a sponge…

It can’t just soak up deck stain until it’s completely full…

No, your deck timber is thick and dense, so the stain will only absorb slightly into the surface of your boards…

And when you try to flood your deck boards with too much stain, it will absorb only as much as it can and then the excess will dry on the surface like a film…

This film sits on the surface like a snake skin that’s just waiting to peel…

In a lot of cases, this over-application of stain will result in a sticky deck surface…

Every time you walk on your deck, your feet will be making that ticky-tacky sound…

You know the one…

It drives homeowners crazy…

I know because they always call me to fix it…

The thing is, at this point, the damage is already done…

You have to wait a month or 2 for the tackiness to disappear, and then a few months after that, your deck will most likely peel…

Just like this deck here…

This homeowner stained his deck but only 8 months later, he noticed some sections were starting to peel…

If you look closely, you can even see that the coating looks a little patchy…

Well, this guy was concerned that his deck was going to get worse, so he gave it the “Tape Test”…

And his deck stain failed miserably…

I can tell from the pictures that one of the main problems is the inconsistent coating of stain…

It looks heavy in some sections and light in others..

And it all comes down to using the wrong tools and applying the stain like it is paint…

Deck stain can be soooo unforgiving…

You only get one shot to get it right…

So, in order to make sure your deck doesn’t peel like this, make sure you don’t apply too much stain…

Pretty simple right?

Don’t apply your coat of stain too thick and you’ll be fine…

Well, this is where things get a little bit tricky…

You see, if you don’t apply enough stain, it will also cause your deck stain to peel…

You won’t have enough protection from the sun and rain and your deck will be left exposed…

You need to get that perfect coating by applying just as much stain as your deck can absorb, no more and no less…

Now don’t freak out, thinking you can’t do this…

The great news is, there’s a really simple way to get just the right amount of stain on your deck…

It’s actually not hard at all..

All you have to do is follow the steps as I lay them out for you, and you’ll have the perfect coat every time…

Introducing the Brush on, Brush off Technique…

This is the deck staining technique that I developed out of necessity…

See, I make my living out of staining decks for other people and if the decks that I stain come out looking patchy and then peel within 6 months, my business would be bankrupt…

So I had to develop a system that I could use over and over again to replicate the perfect finish every time I stain a deck…

That’s why I developed the Brush on, Brush off Technique…

Check out some of the results I get…

Natural stain…

Chocolate stain…

Grey stain…

Charcoal stain…

They look fantastic right??

Another benefit to this system is that you will always apply the perfect amount of deck stain…

Not too little and not too much…

Just right!!

I really am considering changing the name of this system to The GoldiLocks Deck Staining Method…


The one thing that is going to surprise you with my system is just how easy it is…

If you can sweep the floor with a broom, then you have the ability to stain your deck with this system…

But as simple as my deck staining method is…

There’s some basic rules that you need to follow…

These rules are really basic…

Anybody can do them…

You just need to know what these rules are and follow them exactly how I lay them out…

In all honesty…

It’ll take you about 15 minutes to learn the system and then 15 minutes to practise and get the technique to a point where you feel comfortable doing it…

Then all you do is repeat the process over and over until you’ve finished staining your deck…

Once you’re done, you’ll have a deck that looks fantastic…

No stop-start lines anywhere in sight…

No patchiness…

No sticky, tacky surface…

And most importantly…

Your deck will last for years not just months…

In this course, I’ll show you everything you need to know about staining a deck…

I know that if I simply show you The Brush on, Brush off Method and leave it at that, you’ll most likely make a mistake…

And one simple mistake can lead to a peeling deck…

So I leave nothing to chance…

I’ll show you exactly which tools to use. These are the exact same tools that professional deck companies use…

I will show you where to start staining your deck…

You’ll learn how to cut in without leaving stop-start lines…

You’ll see the simple technique that I use to apply only as much stain as your deck can absorb…

I’ll show you how to remove the excess stain so you don’t end up with a patchy coating…

I even show you how to stain the last few boards so you don’t trample all over your fresh coat…

You’ll be able to see how much stain I put on the stain applicator and paint brush…

And if you drip some stain, you’ll know exactly how to clean it up so it won’t show through and affect your finished coat…

If you have uneven boards, I’ll show you how to brush over them properly so you’ll never end up with pools of stain that cause peeling…

Just know that this is the complete deck staining system, broken down step by step…

Now, I know that some people like to read and others prefer to watch videos…

So, I decided that the best way to deliver this course would be to combine the best of both worlds…

This course is delivered in an ebook that has the full description and pictures of what you need to do in each section….

And each section in the ebook links out to video’s of me showing you exactly how to do each step of the process…

This is the exact same step by step process that I take my employees through when I teach them how to stain a deck for the first time…

And honestly…

After the first 4 boards, they usually have the process down, and I can leave them to stain the deck by themselves…

It really is that simple…

You just follow the steps as I lay them out and you’ll have no problems…

And you know what??

You can grab a copy of The Brush on, Brush off Complete Deck Staining Guide for only $29…

Just click the green button below, fill in your details and I’ll send you over a copy…

I’ll see you on the inside…


Jason – The Deck Staining Guru…

If you’re an Aussie, read this before you purchase…

See, once you click the button the checkout form is in US dollars…

So if you want the Aussie pricing you need to text me for your discount code…

All you need to do is text me on 0466183548 and tell me that you want the Aussie Discount code and I’ll text it over to you…

If the form isn’t loading properly use this link instead…

See, what you need to know is that I’m but a humble deck restorer, not a website wizard…

And sometimes my website building skills break down and fail me right when I need them the most…

So if the form above isn’t loading properly, you’re witnessing one of those occasions right now…

Don’t panic, you can still get your greedy little hands ion all of my deck sanding secrets…

All you need to do is click this link here and I’ll take you directly to the purchase page…

If the link leads you to a blank page, email me at jason@deckrestorationco.com.au or text me on 0466183548 and I can send you the direct link…

Happy staining…

